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Featured Skipper 

Jenna has skipped competitively with Skip Time since it’s inception in 2010!  She has attended provincial and National championships and this year both she and her team (Rumble) qualified at Nationals to represent Canada at the Rope Skipping World Championships in Shanghai, China.  According to Jenna rope skipping has offered her many opportunities.  She has met so many great people, travelled to amazing places and skipping has been a place to develop her leadership and teamwork skills.  Jenna has volunteered countless hours to the sport of rope skipping.  She coaches and assists new skippers in both within Skip Time and provincially, cuts music for routines, choreographs for shows, and is always there organized and punctual!  A glimpse of her altruism can be captured by this story.  In 2016 Jenna suffered an injury that kept her home from an out of town competition while sad to be missing it she still met the bus upon departure with homemade mini-muffin travel snacks and a personalized note of competition well-wishes for every single skipper on the Skip Time team.  We at Skip Time wish you and your team all the best in China we know you will make us proud.  Go, Canada, Go!

Nominate a Skipper! 

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